The specified user group 'SQLServerMSSQLUsers$disserver$DISSERVER' does not exist.

  • Hello All,

    I am facing one issue while installing sql 2008 standard edition i get following error message continuously tried many times uninstalling, m installing on windows 2003 standard edition and it is a backup domain controller, few week back i have installed successfully one of our backup domain controller without any problem.

    Please can anyone help me solving this issue ?

    Attached the screenshot of the error

    Thanks in Advanced


  • You are missing on ACLs (Access Control Lists).

    Reviewing Access Control Lists Created for SQL Server Service Accounts

  • Hi Dev,

    Thank you for your response can u explain how should i go ahead and create the group ?

  • You don’t need to. SQL Server Installer does it for you. What you need to have a Windows Account that can run Installer without any hiccups.

  • I have use Windows account for the services while installing but still πŸ™ same message pops


  • Is it Power User or Admin?

  • it is administrator

  • When you run the installer, it performs some verification before installation. Are you ignoring any warning there?

    How many times you tried to install it? How are you cleaning it up, when it fails?

  • not ignoring single message when starting sql installation, uninstalling from add/remove programs tried 2 times

  • Clean Root Folder as well (gererally C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server*)

    Then follow each step carefully (Read <--> Implement). I am sure you are missing on something trivial.

    How to: Install SQL Server 2008 (Setup)

  • Thank you very much for the link will try the above steps properly and get back to you on the same πŸ™‚

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