Policy Based Mnagament - Check for orphaned users

  • Hi,

    Can anyone advise how set up a database policy which checks to see if i have any database users which are orphaned?

    I'm really struggling.


  • Use an expression something like this ExecuteSQL('Numeric', select count (*) from ......................) > 0 and create a condition and a policy based on this condition.

    select count (*) from ...................... query should give you the count of the orphaned logins

    Thank You,

    Best Regards,


  • Thanks for the advice, i'll give this ago when i'm back in the office and let you know how i get on.

  • All of these instructions should be done as a database admin, with the restored database selected.

    First, make sure that this is the problem. This will lists the orphaned users:

    EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Report'

    If you already have a login id and password for this user, fix it by doing:

    EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Auto_Fix', 'user'

    If you want to create a new login id and password for this user, fix it by doing:

    EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Auto_Fix', 'user', 'login', 'password'

  • I'm still struggling with this.

    In order to create a condition i need to specify a facet but i'm not sure which facet i should be using.

  • Use the Following :




    ExecuteSql('Numeric', 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.database_principals a LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.server_principals b ON a.sid = b.sid

    WHERE b.sid IS NULL

    AND a.type In (''S'', ''U'', ''G'')

    AND a.name NOT in (''sys'', ''INFORMATION_SCHEMA'', ''guest'')')

    CONDITION should be the above EXPRESSION = 0


    Thank You,

    Best Regards,


  • Thanks very much for you help, this is now set up and working.

    Just to flesh out your explanation a little; here are the steps i followed within SSMS.

    1. Create a new condition; setting "Database" as the facet.

    2. On the left hand side of the expression builder, click on the 3 dots to open up the advanced editor.

    3. Paste the following code in the advanced editor window:

    ExecuteSql('Numeric', 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.database_principals a LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.server_principals b ON a.sid = b.sid

    WHERE b.sid IS NULL

    AND a.type In (''S'', ''U'', ''G'')

    AND a.name NOT in (''sys'', ''INFORMATION_SCHEMA'', ''guest'')')

    4. On the right hand side of the expression; enter 0 (the query is counting the number or orphaned users and i want to evaluate it to ensure it is zero).

    4. Name the condition and click okay.

    5. Create a new policy which evaluates the condition which was just set up.

    Thanks again for your help.

  • Very Nicely done..

    Thank You,

    Best Regards,


  • I found another solution.... this works better for me.

    --Orphaned Users Count Condition

    --Facet: Server


    ExecuteSql('Numeric', '

    CREATE TABLE #orphanedusers(

    InstanceName nvarchar(50) default @@SERVERNAME,

    DatabaseName varchar(200) default db_name(),

    UserName nvarchar(50),

    UserSID binary(16)


    DECLARE @command VARCHAR(1000)

    SELECT @command = ''

    USE [?]

    INSERT INTO #orphanedusers (UserName,UserSID) EXEC sp_change_users_login Report


    EXEC sp_MSforeachdb @command

    select count(*) as OrphanedUsersCount from #orphanedusers

    DROP TABLE #orphanedusers


    --Operator: =

    --Value: 0


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