Moving Server to a new domain

  • I've just had a call from one the network admins at my place of work that made my blood run cold.

    I was told that all the SQL servers are going to move domain - I know little about how this is going to be done but can find out more.

    Has anyone here had experience of moving a SQL box from one domain to another - if so how easy / problematic was it? Any "lessons learnt" from your experience? Or should I just say no?

    Any advice / information greatly appreciated.

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  • Moving databases servers to new domains is quite common. Usually part of consolidating servers , Virtualization or even a data centre move.

    Common things that go wrong are Firewalls and ports , user accounts authenticated at the domain need to be verified. Backup jobs that move file over the network are now unable to find destinations.

    Usually these are planned well between the network guys and DBAs and a plan is made on which servers are the first to move and what kind of test need to be run to verify the enviornment is running properly. A part of this planning include what needs to be done if something goes wrong.

    Application developers might need to verify if there are any code changes required because they are using environment specific features , such as timezone and locales etc.

    There should be plenty of resources out there on what needs to be planned for a db migration.

    Jayanth Kurup[/url]

  • sql server user accounts won't be affected but windows accounts including any service accounts may need to be addressed


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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