breaking aging balances out into columns

  • I have a table with account, period, and balance and I'd like to age these balances out so that I have a table that gives me account, period, 30 Days, 60 Days, 90 Days.... < 180 days based on the period column. So if I have a balance of 100$ in account 1234 that is from June, it'll list that balance in 60 days since it's 2 months ago.

    I tried using a case statement, but it lumps it all into one column which doesn't help. Thought of using an IF statement, but that doesn't seem to be doing it.

    CASE WHEN FactPeriodBalHist.FK_PeriodDateKey > dateadd(month, - 1,FactPeriodBalHist.FK_PeriodDateKey), 112) THEN balance ELSE 0 END AS balance

    I can't figure out how to alias things inside the case to give me separate columns.

    if you can suggest a pivot table, I'm open to anything at this point.

  • You're 99% there.

    you need SUM(CASE WHEN ...)

    GROUP BY Not pivoted column.

  • I'm even closer, but it's still putting the balance in one column. I need it to split it out into multiple columns.

    so a row has a balance of 100$ a period of 6/1/2011 and account of 1234. I want the row to look like this:

    acct|perioddate|30|60 |90|120|150|180|

    1234|6/1/2011 |0 |100|0 |0 |0 |0 |


  • If you have data and you're group by are fine the sum(case) will always work.

    Can you post the full query, I'm sure it's really simple to fix!

  • You asked for it, it's icky!







    SUM(CASE WHEN datetime > dateadd(month, - 1, datetime) THEN balance ELSE 0 END) AS bal

    FROM FactPeriodBalHist INNER JOIN

    DimDate ON FactPeriodBalHist.FK_PeriodDateKey = DimDate.PK_DateKey LEFT OUTER JOIN

    DimPlan ON FactPeriodBalHist.FK_PlanKey = DimPlan.PK_PlanKey AND FactPeriodBalHist.FK_EntityKey = DimPlan.FK_EntityKey

    WHERE (FactPeriodBalHist.FK_ProcessedDateKey = 20110701)

    GROUP BY FactPeriodBalHist.FK_AccountKey, FactPeriodBalHist.FK_EntityKey, FactPeriodBalHist.FK_AccountKey, FactPeriodBalHist.FK_PayorKey, FactPeriodBalHist.FK_PeriodDateKey, FactPeriodBalHist.Balance, DimPlan.ArAccount, DimDate.PK_DateKey

  • Did you have a look at this: T-SQL Tuesday #18 – Using CTEs to Pivot Data Into Date Ranges:

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  • Reformatted also to be easier on the eyes.

    I'm pretty sure you need to remove the period key so that it pivots correctly, but I can't be sure without seeing the data.

    Also I'm nt 100% sure balance is the correct column to pivot on, again can't tell without the data.



    , FactPeriodBalHist.FK_AccountKey

    , FactPeriodBalHist.FK_PayorKey

    , FactPeriodBalHist.FK_PeriodDateKey

    , DimPlan.ArAccount

    , SUM(CASE WHEN datetime > dateadd(month , -1 , datetime) THEN balance

    ELSE 0

    END) AS [30 days]

    , SUM(CASE WHEN datetime > dateadd(month , -2 , datetime) THEN balance

    ELSE 0

    END) AS [60 days]

    , SUM(CASE WHEN datetime > dateadd(month , -3 , datetime) THEN balance

    ELSE 0

    END) AS [90 days]

    , SUM(CASE WHEN datetime > dateadd(month , -6 , datetime) THEN balance

    ELSE 0

    END) AS [180 days]

    , SUM(balance) AS Balance



    INNER JOIN DimDate

    ON FactPeriodBalHist.FK_PeriodDateKey = DimDate.PK_DateKey


    ON FactPeriodBalHist.FK_PlanKey = DimPlan.PK_PlanKey

    AND FactPeriodBalHist.FK_EntityKey = DimPlan.FK_EntityKey


    ( FactPeriodBalHist.FK_ProcessedDateKey = 20110701 )



    , FactPeriodBalHist.FK_EntityKey

    , FactPeriodBalHist.FK_AccountKey

    , FactPeriodBalHist.FK_PayorKey

    , FactPeriodBalHist.FK_PeriodDateKey

    , FactPeriodBalHist.Balance

    , DimPlan.ArAccount

    , DimDate.PK_DateKey

  • oh MAN! You've got separate cases for each column. Okay, feeling a bit dim today 🙂 Thank you so much.

  • Told you the fix was simple. 🙂

    Take 5 and get back to it. I'm sure you'll get it from now on 😉

  • gonna go grab some food 🙂 Thanks so much!

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