XML Data Type .modify() Method in an update statement?

  • I have an column of XML data type in a table. I need to change the text() node value on one element of the XML column.

    I can pull the data into a variable of type XML, run the following type of statement, and then update the column in the table.

    set @replace_string = 'replace value of (/ROOT/CHILD/ELEMENT/text())[1] with sql:variable("@add_amount")'

    The problem is this starts to feel like RBAR methodology and I'm strongly opposed to that.

    When I try to write a select or update statement that uses the .modify() method inline I get the following error:

    Incorrect use of the xml data type method 'modify'. A non-mutator method is expected in this context.

    Does anyone know if I can use the .modify() method in a select or update statement?

    An example of what I've tried to do looks like this:

    select xml_field.modify('

    replace value of (/ROOT/CHILD/ELEMENT/text())[1]

    with sql:variable("@add_amount")



  • Kent,

    Did you ever get an answer on this? I'm facing the same problem.


  • Would something like the following help?

    declare @t table (xmlcol xml);

    declare @add_amount varchar(20);

    set @add_amount = 'three hundred';

    insert @t values ('<t>




    update @t

    set xmlcol.modify ('insert <v>test2</v> into (/t)[1]')

    update @t

    set xmlcol.modify ('replace value of (/t/v[1]/text())[1] with "testnew"')

    update @t

    set xmlcol.modify ('replace value of (/t/v[2]/text())[1] with sql:variable("@add_amount")')

    select * from @t

    Russel Loski, MCSE Business Intelligence, Data Platform

  • Russel is right. You can't SELECT the results of an XML DML modify method... you should extract the values to a variable, or simply update the XML values directly.


    seth delconte

  • Total Newbie Here so I am just taking a stab. Is it Not correct that modifying XML has to be done in a update statement.

    I don't believe from what I was just studying that modify works any other way. Does it?

    I think code would look something like

    Update my_table

    set xml_field.modify('replace value of (/ROOT/CHILD/ELEMENT/text() ) [1]

    with sql:variable("@add_amount")

    Edit * perhaps you will need to make last line

    with {sql:variable("@add_amount")}

    I just discovered the SQL extensions sql:variable, sql:column etc.... in xml_field.query I have to enclose in {}

    Hope my SWAG helps. Let me know...


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