• For me an important point is to protect the user and the data and that lack of validation certainly does nothing to teach the user of his/her mistake nor protect the data. The user could quite literally go forever without ever realizing that there's no data for a particular state that they're inputting for or that they've misspelled an abbreviation.

    There's no such thing as "partially right". Either it's right or it's not. Not catching bad inputs in the wrong thing to do.

    Don't be angry with me, Jeff. Perhaps I wrote too hastily, or maybe with the biasing of my particular environment. I do work on several DSS databases. My users are very (jealous? distruthful? pain of translators...) about required data. Data, moreover, are stable, so I assume that if they misspell something and do not get data, they'll be the first to realize. Thus my main concern is that their errors do not affect my procedure (as it would with duplicated values).

    After this kind of apology, you'll see is not difficult to implement a mechanism to detect the wrong values, as you can see in the following (ad-hoc) code:

    -- Let's say we have this clearly misspelled parameters ----

    declare @param varchar(200)

    set @param = 'WA,CA,Not_A-Valid_Param,TX,XX'

    -- Here the reference table of valid values ----

    declare @states table (

    state char(2)


    -- Only a excerpt ----

    insert @states values ( 'WA' )

    insert @states values ( 'CA' )

    insert @states values ( 'TX' )

    -- Let's add delimiters at the beginning and end of the string ----

    set @param = ',' + @param + ','

    -- Now the piece of code to get the

    values ----

    -- I added the orderby column to make the algorithm

    -- sensible to the input order (if it matters) ----

    declare @param_table table (

    state char(2),

    orderby int


    insert @param_table

    select state, charindex( ',' + state + ',', @param ) as orderby

    from @states

    -- Ad-hoc method to get incorrect values: ----

    -- Suppress the valid ones from the input string ----

    select @param = replace( @param, state, '' )

    from @param_table

    order by orderby

    -- For the sake of comparison, I create what would be the valid string ----

    declare @s-2 varchar(800)

    set @s-2 = ''

    select @s-2 = @s-2 + ',' + state

    from @param_table

    order by orderby

    -- Get rid of repeated commas ----

    while ( charindex( ',,', @param ) > 0 )

    set @param = replace( @param, ',,', ',' )

    -- Good parameters to the right of the Father, the bad to the left ---

    -- (Excuse me for the extra commas - quick and lazy programming after all) ----

    select @s-2 As GOOD_PARAM, @param AS BAD_PARAM

    Finally, I disagree with you about right or wrong things. In my opinion, circumstances determine how good a solution is; what fits in some cases, does not in others.

    Nevertheless, your opinion is valuable to me, although a little rough for my taste. Sorry if I offended you, anyway.