• diegocroitoru (8/2/2010)

    SSC Eights,

    Great response.

    Do you mind elaborating more on the:


    ).value('.','VARCHAR(MAX)') , 1,1,SPACE(0)) AS Concat_Values

    string of your solution ?


    Actually, you need to look at a little bit more of it:

    SELECT p1.id ,CustomerName , OrderDate,

    STUFF ( ( SELECT ','+ ProductName

    FROM CTE p2

    WHERE p2.id = p1.id



    ).value('.','VARCHAR(MAX)') , 1,1,SPACE(0)) AS Concat_Values

    Part 1: SELECT statement

    Part 2: STUFF function returning a field.

    Part 3: Subquery using FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE

    Going from back to front:

    Part 3: This correlated subquery builds a comma-delimited list of ProductNames for the id in the parent query.

    : FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE says to build that query as an XML datatype, with no node names.

    : the .value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)') says to return that XML as a varchar(max) field. This allows you to return data that would otherwise be converted to XML tags (i.e. an "&" would be replaced with "& amp;", a "<" would be replaced with "& lt;", etc.) as a string. (Technically, this would be part 4, but it's easier to explain it here.

    Part 2: Stuff function starts at the first character (leading comma), and replaces one character with an empty string (in effect, removes the leading space from the comma-delimited string). Returns this string as the column Concat_Values.

    Part 1: Return all of this data grouped by appropriate columns.

    Edit: put a space after the "&" so it wouldn't show as the symbol - just realize that the space isn't there.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
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    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2