TRY..CATCH For multiple errors

  • Hi

    If you run:

    backup database xxx to disk = 'c:\xxx.bak'

    It returns:

    Msg 911, Level 16, State 11, Line 1

    Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'xxx'. No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.

    Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

    However running:

    begin try

    backup database xxx to disk = 'c:\xxx.bak'

    end try

    begin catch

    select error_message()

    end catch

    Only returns BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

    How can I capture the first of those errors in my try..catch routine. It's not a show stopper but in this case the important message is the first one which isn't returned.


  • The ERROR functions just return information for the last error - much the same way as @@ERROR and sys.messages work. I believe there is a Connect item open for the ability to 'walk the stack' of errors, but nothing in current products, as far as I know.

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