Issue with Invoking SSIS which reads Excel in 64 bit machine

  • Hi All,

    I have a application written to invoke SSIS Package which reads excel file and populates a temporary DB table. So far, this application was running with out issues ad now when moved to 64bit application, it seems to be giving some issues. Though the package does not throw errors, I am NOT able to see the expected results.

    I am invoking package using the LoadFromSqlserver function by adding ManagedDTS dll as a reference. I am guesing it could be because of excel driver problem with x64 machines as I faced this issue in BIDS and I fixed it by setting 'Run64bitVersion' to FALSE. This is a fix for desingn time and does not help when calling from VB.NET code.

    Is there any other way we can fix this issue with out changing the code as I am not planning to use the 32 bit DTEXEC command line




    Suresh Arumugam

  • Suresh Kumar-284278 (3/3/2010)

    Is there any other way we can fix this issue with out changing the code as I am not planning to use the 32 bit DTEXEC command line option?

    That's the only way to do it on the 64-bit server. About the only other thing you can do is to set up a linked-server to a 32-bit server, and load it from there.

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  • Thanks for the Reply.

    Is it possible to include DTEXEC calling to incorporate in my existing VB.NET code since my code? If so, could you please give me a sample code to do that.



    Suresh Arumugam

  • Have you tried to compile your application as x86 (instead of AnyCPU) ? This will force your application to be 32bit and you will be able to avoid the Excel 64bit compatibility issue.

    SSIS Tasks Components Scripts Services |

  • Thanks for the suggestion.

    How ever, I am NOT sure on how to compile my VB.NET application as x86. Can you please help me?

    Thanks in advance,


    Suresh Arumugam

  • Right-click on your project select Properties menu. When the properties pane opens, click on Compile tab and then click 'Advanced Compile Options...' For Taget CPU , select x86

    SSIS Tasks Components Scripts Services |

  • Wow.. That's the solution i was expecting.

    I tried your suggestion. It worked as expected. Thanks a lot.



    Suresh Arumugam

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