Update Email Trigger

  • I want a trigger to send an email only if the notes or status has been updated. It works correctly except when it does send an email it sends two. Why?

    ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[TR_Update]

    on [dbo].[tblIncidents]

    after update


    declare @message varchar(max)

    declare @description varchar(max)

    declare @incidentid varchar(50)

    declare @email varchar(50)

    declare @subj varchar(100)

    declare @notes varchar(max)

    declare @oldnotes varchar(max)

    declare @status varchar(50)

    declare @status2 varchar(50)

    declare @name varchar(100)

    SELECT @incidentid = incidentid, @name = [name], @status= (case when closeddate is null then 'Open' else 'Closed' end), @description=descriptionofincident, @email=email, @notes= case when notesonstatus is null then 'None Entered' else notesonstatus end from inserted left join contacts on inserted.username = contacts.username

    select @oldnotes= case when notesonstatus is null then 'None Entered' else notesonstatus end, @status2 = (case when closeddate is null then 'Open' else 'Closed' end) from deleted

    if @notes = @oldnotes and @status = @status2






    set @message = 'Dear '+@name+',

    Your incident has been updated. '

    SET @subj = 'Alert - Incident Has Been Updated'


    @profile_name = 'SQLAlerts',

    @recipients = @email,

    @body = @message,

    @subject = @subj;


  • The only reason I can see that this might send 2 emails is if you have multiple email addresses in the contacts.email column.

    There is one issue with this trigger though, and that is that it does not handle a set based update. I recommend reading this article[/url] to see why that is important.

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