Use calculated column name in query again in the same query

  • I want to Use calculated column name in query again in the same query.

    For eg:

    select productname, (uprice+sprice) As pprice, CASE WHEN IsNull(pprice) Then '0' Else pprice End As pprice2 from products

    Here pprice is the value I am calculating and want to be able to refer it in the same query without having to write the calculation again. This is just a simple example but the actual calculated column is complicated and very long and it makes it very difficult to debug if I have to use the same code again and again. Is there a cleaner way to do this in same query?

  • This sounds like a pure SQL question, not SSIS? Anyhow, there is a way, using Common Table Expressions (or CTEs).

    Using your example, it would be something like:

    With Data as

    (select productname, (uprice+sprice) As pprice

    from xxxxx)

    select data.productname, CASE WHEN IsNull(data.pprice) Then '0' Else data.pprice End As pprice2

    from data

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Thanks but this seems like it will execute the first query to get the column values and then execute the main query again which will take much longer than executing it as a single query. There is no way to do it without using a new table?

  • Phil is showing you what is called a Common Table Expression. Unless you put that calculated column in your table, that's the way to do what you are asking.

    You should try it out - how it's written often has very little to do with exactly how it executes. Don't assume it will necessarily do a two-pass query.

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  • For getting faster response, please post readily consumable sample script.

    for now i have created a table with dummy data and calling the calculated price column at multiple places in the select statement by actually calculating only once.

    create table MultiUSe (Pid int,productname varchar(10),Uprice int,SPrice int)

    insert into MultiUSe values (1,'aaa',10,20)

    insert into MultiUSe values(2,'bbb',30,40)

    insert into MultiUSe values(3,'ccc',50,60)

    insert into MultiUSe values(4,'ddd',70,80)

    insert into MultiUSe values(5,'eee',90,100)

    insert into MultiUSe (Pid,Productname) values(6,'fff')

    With DataCTE as

    (select productname, (uprice+sprice) As pprice

    from MultiUSe)

    select productname, pprice 'pp1',pprice 'pp2',pprice 'pp3' from DataCTE

  • Or you could replace [pprice] with its original calculated fields (please note that I change your query in terms of ISNULL usage):

    select productname, (uprice+sprice) As pprice, IsNull(uprice+sprice,0) As pprice2

    from products

    Edit: Another option would be to add a computed column to the source table containing your calculation.

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