No job history displaying for maintenance plan

  • I have two servers that when I go to Jobs or Job Activity Monitor and I right-click and select View History on my maintenance plans it does not display anything. If I do it for any other jobs I see their history. If I go to Maintenance Plans and right-click on the maintenance plan itself and select view history, I see the history. Any ideas on what could cause this. The only other thing that could possibly be causing this problem is that these are the only servers we have that have Primavera P6 installed on them. Any suggestions appreciated.

  • Maintenance plans have a table in msdb to store their history apart from SQL Agent. Are the maintenace plans being run from SQL Agent? When you look at the Maint Plan history is it current? Do you have a lot of jobs on this server that run often? What limits are imposed on SQL Agent's job history, ie: what is the maximum job history size in rows and max rows per job?

    There are a lot of things possibly in play here..



    Elliott, Thank you for forcing me to use my brain for something other than to just keep the sides of face from collapsing in. All the items you asked about I had already checked (but not really) , upon going back to get the exact information to reply to you with I discovered that I had 18 little jobs that ran every 10 minutes 24 hours a day (instead of the 2-3 times a day I had assumed). So these jobs were filling up, and pushing out the old, history file entries. Thank you and sorry again.

  • Not a problem, those kind of jobs are the single most common reason that history disappears. I would bulk up the space available, I like to have like at least a week of history for all jobs.


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