• Generally speaking when the count is zero that record is skipped. I found a way to return the zero value by using Group by All and picking the column used in group by from a lookup table. My sql looks like the following and it works:

    SELECT UnitState AS UnitState, UnitState As State, Count(*) As [Pending Requests]

    FROM tLookup_StateTable LKState Left Join dbo.tbl_Status_Of_ContractRequests_By_State TBL on LKState.OrgCode = TBL.UnitState

    INNER JOIN dbo.tblContracts C ON C.Contract_ID = TBL.TrackingID

    (TBL.PENDING > 0) AND UnitState in (Select OrgCode From tLookup_StateTable LKState)

    Group By ALL UnitState, orgCode ORDER BY UnitState

    Thanks for helping