sp_help_revlogin, security risk?

  • I am looking at sp_help_revlogin as far as DR planning, that is, how do I recreate my logins if I have to restore to a new server.


    If I store the output of sp_help_revlogin as a script can a password be recovered from this script?

    I am not talking about adding logins/resetting the password by running the sp_help_revlogin output in a recovery situation, but rather a badguy recovering the password directly from the script output and logging into an application.

  • Everything is possible,:-) but probability of this situation is very low if your SQL login's password are strong and long enough.

    I would say 12 characters with numbers, capital letters, etc. would be good to make a strong password.

  • I have to agree with Sergey that it's unlikely someone would be able to decrypt the password from the script, but you can store the script in a secured directory to lessen the chance that someone could access the script file.


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