How to direct DTS output to specific tabs or worksheets within an Excel spreadsheet file

  • Using SQL 2005 Sp2 in 64 bit environment. Installed the SQL 2000 DTS Designer Components onto the SQL 2005 SQL server. Have existing 2000 DTS packages and a couple DTS packages created in 2005 using the 2000 DTS.

    Would like to run script A and have output go to Excel spreadsheet Tab 1 (worksheet 1), then run script B on same database and have output go to Excel spreadsheet Tab 2 (worksheet 2) and repeat for script C. So end result would be that the DTS package would output the results of each script to a different tab/worksheet within the same Excel spreasheet file.

    Is this possible? If so, how do I direct the output to a specific or any tabs/worksheets within Excel?


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