Microsoft Security Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB956572) increases I/O waits for SQL Server 2005

  • We have a database on a windows server 2003 server running SQL 2005. This database experiences an increase in all I/O related SQL waits when the KB956572 patch is installed. These waits include the WRITELOG, PAGEIOLATCH_SH and PAGEIOLATCH_EX. The wait times for these waits increase as much as 400% when the patch is in place and these three waits represent as much as 98% of the overall SQL wait times. If the patch is backed out the wait times decrease and return back to what we were seeing before. Has anyone experienced something similar with this patch or any other patch that will increase the I/O?

  • We are experiencing the same problem, several updates were applied couple weeks ago and one of them is the KB956572. Our ETL now takes more than twice as long. Planning to remove the update tomorrow and see how it goes.

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