Exporting Data To Excel

  • Good Morning Sir/Maam

    would you kindly guide me in exporting a data result query from sql to a single excel file. my scenario is that i will only be creating an additional sheet if my query will only exceed the row limit of my 2003 excel (65536 rows). i would also like to do it manually or do it by Transact SQL (NO SSIS intervention) if possible. my query result will be extracted from the view i've made so that i can retrieve it much faster ad properly formatted for export. any

    help you will extend will be greatly appreciated.




  • To start you out on your project may I suggest reading the following: (Note the article includes a sample code download which should get you started)


    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • Instead of doing everything in T-SQL you can create an Excel macro in VBA.

    I include a small example to work on.

    Sub test

    Dim con As New ADODB.Connection 'Set reference to ADO

    Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset

    Dim source,key,userid,SQLstatement as string

    Dim i,j,norows, nocolumns , rowoffset, columnoffset as long

    Dim array as Variant

    'Userid the user is promted and maybe validated.

    source = "Data source=Name of/IP adr of databaseserver;User ID=XXX;Password=YYY;Initial Catalog=databasename"

    'Comment string source or part of I usually save in file not accesable for the user.

    'Remote oledb which means that the database and the client Excel can be separated on a company network or Internet

    con.Provider = "sqloledb"

    con.Properties("Network Library").Value = "DBMSSOCN"

    con.Open source

    Set rs.ActiveConnection = con

    rs.open SQLstatement ' Your SQL question as string

    array = rs.GetRows ' Store the result in an array


    norows = UBound(array, 2) 'Number of rows

    nocolumns = UBound(array, 1) 'Number of columns

    ' Paste the result as values in the sheet the format is already there by design.

    Rowoffset = 10 ' Start from row 10 example

    columnoffset = 2 ' Start from column 2 example


    For i = 0 To norows

    ' If i exceeds 65535 plus offset create a new sheet and continue with I etc

    For j = 0 To nocolumns

    Cells(i + rowoffset, j + columnoffset).Value = variant(j, i)

    Next j

    Next i

    Set rs = Nothing

    Set con = Nothing

    end sub

    As always report your progress to the community


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