Script error when trying to Move a Report from Folder to Folder via SSRS2008

  • All, within the last 2 days I am now getting a "object expected" error when I try and move any report from existing folder to another folder. I get the same error when I try and Delete the report also.

    Everything else seems to be working just fine. I can deploy new reports from VS2008 to SSRS2008. I can run reports fine... etc.

    I am running SSRS2008 on Server2008.

    Anyone have any ideas or seen this before?


  • Why are you spending two days with scripting problems when you can copy the RDL, images and associated solution files from VS2008 to Report manager for manual deployment.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • I'm not spending 2 days Deploying reports.... The reports deploy fine, and I can run the report, but it is the MOVE and DELETE functionality in SSRS that is not working, taking the script error. I had not had this problem until yesterday.



  • I am not aware of move and delete functionality could you please post a reference so I can see it.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • I've attached screen shot for you to view. It is when you hit the "Show Details" button, it allows you to Delete, Move, New Folder, New DS, Upload File, Report Builder.



  • I see what you are saying now but you must know not all things Microsoft provide that works as expected so you may have to look for short cuts like just copy all the files from VS much quicker because you have to original solution files. The same thing as migrating web application from IIS instead of deploying the code with the database.

    A side note Report builder in SQL Server 2008 is completely new application.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • A little more detail on this.

    Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expected

    This is the exact line of code that it errors on:

    if(0 != getChkCount())__doPostBack('ui_btnMove','');

    On the Folder.aspx page.

  • I have looked the error you posted is Java Script error so it is not directly related to SSRS so it is hard to know what is expected so leave the delete alone and redeploy your VS code as needed.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

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