reporting service issue

  • We have a sql server reporting service 2005 installed on a windows 2008 server.

    Recently it acts wierdly.

    Sometimes, when I deploy report or try to connect to the reporting server, it failed to connect it.

    Then it caused the database connection failed too. then sometimes caused the server hang.

    Then we restarted the computer for 3 times, then I can connect it again.

    In event viewer, I see a message like this:

    EventID 111

    Error: report server (mssqlserver) cannot create the trace log E:\programfiles\microsoft sql server\mssql2\reportingservices\logfiles\report server_timestamp.log

    I can see all other log files in the directory with other time stamp. So I see reporting service account has full control in this folder.

    What could cause the problem?

  • Sometimes, when I deploy report or try to connect to the reporting server, it failed to connect it.

    Then it caused the database connection failed too. then sometimes caused the server hang.

    What error messages did you see in SQL Server log or Error log for these errors?

  • I cannot find error message in the sql error log.

    I can only see it in the event viewer.

    The error is in the previous message

  • Try deleting the existing report and shared data sources (if you have any) and then deploy the report again.

  • The problem I can no longer connect to the reporting server on the local machine.

    And I can no longer connect to the database server either on the local server.

  • What error are you getting?can someone else connect to these?

    Make sure services are running.

  • No body can connect to it.

    It caused the server hang.

    I wonder if this is windows problem or others.

    But once I cannot connect to reporting service then the whole server hangs

  • Try to reconfigure the reporting services, if this does not help then try to re-install reporting services.

    I am sorry i cannot suggest a better solution.

  • I should add that you can try re-installing IIS too if you donot have any other application deployed to it.

  • Thank you for your help.

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