how i could take the longest no match??

  • a

  • Not very sure aboiut your inputs and output but try this...

    Declare @t1 Table(mid int, val varchar(100))

    Insert into @t1

    Select 1,'123' union all

    Select 2,'123456' union all

    Select 3,'123456789' union all

    Select 4,'123456789123'

    Declare @vChk varchar(100)

    Set @vChk = '123'

    Select Top 1 * from @t1

    where val like '%' + @vChk + '%'

    Order By Len(val) desc

    Sometimes, winning is not an issue but trying.
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  • Here is another way to do it using replace and len functions:

    Declare @t1 Table(mid int, val bigint)

    Insert into @t1

    Select 1,95 union all

    Select 2,959 union all

    Select 3,44 union all

    Select 4,959898

    declare @NewNum bigint

    set @NewNum = 9598989898954412

    select top 1 val

    from @t1

    order by LEN(REPLACE(convert(varchar(30),@NewNum),CONVERT(varchar(30),val),''))


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