How to accumulate the balance in a table

  • Hello

    I have a little problem getting performance working on a table DW_CustTrans. I need the figures for a cube i am building, to show a customers balance in a given period.

    The table consists of the following fields

    [dataareaid] [varchar](3) NOT NULL,

    [accountnumber] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,

    [transdate] [datetime] NULL,

    [amount] [float] NULL,

    [Balance_MST] [float] NULL

    My index on the table is on dataareaid,accountnumber,transdate

    There is at this moment approx 424000 records in the table.

    an example of the data when transferred from my ERP could be



    de3400132007-05-16 00:00:00.000179,69NULL

    de3400132007-08-09 00:00:00.000-179,69NULL

    de3400132009-01-23 00:00:00.000-90,44NULL

    de3400132009-02-01 00:00:00.00090,44NULL

    The idea is that i want the Balance_MST to show the customers balance at any given time.



    de3400132007-05-16 00:00:00.000179.69-179.69

    de3400132007-08-09 00:00:00.000-179.690.0

    de3400132009-01-23 00:00:00.000-90.4390.43

    de3400132009-02-01 00:00:00.00090.439NULL

    My first (and only) test was to make a simple SQL update

    Update DW_CustTrans

    SET Balance_MST =

    (Select sum(Amount) from DW_CustTrans C where c.dataareaid = DW_CustTrans.dataareaid and c.accountnumber = DW_CustTrans.accountnumber and DW_CustTrans.transdate < c.transdate)

    But this takes abount 4.5 hours to update, so now i am stuck. I am not very good with MDX but if that is the right solution then you are welcome to add this as well. Or if you have fallen over the same question in here please let med know. i have searched for something alike but found nothing.

    Thanks in advance


  • Thanks, it worked for me. i wrote a long ansver but it is gone.


  • YES YES, it is working, had to make some minor alterations due to an extra dimension (dataareaid)

    Thanks a lot for the quick reply and the correct answer.

    I went from 4.5 hours to 7 !!!! seconds, talk about an improvement. I added my alteration in case any can use it again

    Thanks again, and specially thanks to Jeff Moden witch is the originator of the code

    Kind regards


    -- Original code from Jeff Moden alterated by ABB

    DECLARE @PrevCompany varchar(3)

    SET @PrevCompany = ''

    DECLARE @PrevCompanyBalance MONEY --running total for each company

    SET @PrevCompanyBalance = 0

    DECLARE @PrevGrpBal MONEY --Running total resets when account changes

    SET @PrevGrpBal = 0

    DECLARE @PrevRunCnt INT --Overall running count (ordinal rank)

    SET @PrevRunCnt = 0

    DECLARE @PrevGrpCnt INT --Running count resets when account changes

    SET @PrevGrpCnt = 0

    DECLARE @PrevAcctID varchar(10) --The "account change detector"

    SET @PrevAcctID = ''

    UPDATE dbo.DW_CustTrans

    SET --===== Running Total Company

    @PrevCompanyBalance = CompanyBalance = CASE

    WHEN dataareaid = @Prevcompany

    THEN @PrevCompanyBalance + Amount

    ELSE Amount


    --===== Account Running Total (Reset when account changes)

    @PrevGrpBal = Balance_MST = CASE

    WHEN accountnumber = @PrevAcctID

    THEN @PrevGrpBal + Amount

    ELSE Amount -- Restarts total at "0 + current amount"


    --===== Running Count (Ordinal Rank)

    @PrevRunCnt = RunCnt = @PrevRunCnt + 1,

    --===== Account Running Total (Ordinal Rank, Reset when account changes)

    @PrevGrpCnt = CompanyCount = CASE

    WHEN accountnumber = @PrevAcctID

    THEN @PrevGrpCnt + 1

    ELSE 1 -- Restarts count at "1"


    --===== "Anchor" and provides for "account and Company change detection"

    @PrevAcctID = accountnumber,

    @prevCompany = dataareaid

    FROM dbo.DW_CustTrans WITH (INDEX(IX_DW_CustTrans),TABLOCKX)

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