connecting sql server from .net application

  • hi am geting this error while am trying to connect to sql server its a .net application

    a network-related or instance-specified error occurred while established a connection to sql server. the server was not found or was not accessible. verify that the instance name is correct and that sql server is configured to allow remote connections

  • is it a named instance?

  • no is not

  • Have you tried IP address?

  • i'd start by trying to ping the server, if no response then it's in the network, DNS, etc

    or try to connect by IP to see if it works

  • this is the thing i have tru to do

    Changing ports to 1433

    Firewall disabling

    Remote Connection enabled on SQL Server

    TCP/IP and Named Pipes enabled in configuration

    Modified Web.Config to use IP Addresses/ Usernames passwords /Trusted_Connections/ Different SQL Server on a different machine

    Re-Installing SQL Server

  • how do i connect by IP

  • instead of a server name use an IP address

    if it connects by IP then it means you have DNS issues. also try to connect using sql authentication. once in a while we have domain controller issues and windows authentication doesn't work, but a test connection using sa works.


  • i have also try To resolve the issue - I had to change the VSTS Options; From Tools -> Options -> Data base Tools -> Design Time - Validation Data base -> Connection Options -> SQL Serevr Instance Name = SQLEXPRESS

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