• I also found the function to be slow in testing. I had an alternate way of generating the number that was much quicker, but for performance, the best solution I've found so far is to prepopulate a table with the appropriate text for a number and then just join to it. Some sample code for testing follows. It only goes to the thousands, but obviously the approach could be extended further.

    I have also had it beaten into my head that, WHENEVER possible, character string manipulation should be done on the application side to keep the load off the SQL Server. Much more scalable.

    declare @numwords table(number int, ones varchar(15), tens varchar(15), hundreds varchar(15), thousands varchar(15))

    insert into @numwords

    select 0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL union all

    select 1,'One','Ten','One Hundred','One Thousand' union all

    select 2,'Two','Twenty','Two Hundred','Two Thousand' union all

    select 3,'Three','Thirty','Three Hundred','Three Thousand' union all

    select 4,'Four','Forty','Four Hundred','Four Thousand' union all

    select 5,'Five','Fifty','Five Hundred','Five Thousand' union all

    select 6,'Six','Sixty','Six Hundred','Six Thousand' union all

    select 7,'Seven','Seventy','Seven Hundred','Seven Thousand' union all

    select 8,'Eight','Eighty','Eight Hundred','Eight Thousand' union all

    select 9,'Nine','Ninety','Nine Hundred','NineThousand' union all

    select 10,'Nineteen',NULL,NULL,NULL union all

    select 11,'Eleven',NULL,NULL,NULL union all

    select 12,'Twelve',NULL,NULL,NULL union all

    select 13,'Thirteen',NULL,NULL,NULL union all

    select 14,'Fourteen',NULL,NULL,NULL union all

    select 15,'Fifteen',NULL,NULL,NULL union all

    select 16,'Sixteen',NULL,NULL,NULL union all

    select 17,'Seventeen',NULL,NULL,NULL union all

    select 18,'Eighteen',NULL,NULL,NULL union all

    select 19,'Nineteen',NULL,NULL,NULL

    set statistics time on;

    with expanded as

    (select N

    ,max(case when number = substring(reverse(N),4,1) then thousands else '' end) as thousands

    ,max(case when number = substring(reverse(N),3,1) then hundreds else '' end) as hundreds

    ,max(case when right(N,2) not between 11 and 19 and number = substring(reverse(N),2,1) then tens else '' end) as tens

    ,max(case when right(N,2) not between 11 and 19 and number = right(N,1) then ones

    when right(N,2) between 11 and 19 and number = right(N,2) then ones

    else '' end) as ones

    from @Numwords

    cross join dbo.Tally

    group by N


    select N,isnull(thousands+' ','')+isnull(hundreds+' ','')+isnull(tens+' ','')+isnull(ones,'')

    from expanded

    where N <= 9999

    set statistics time off;

    -- create a temp table to test lookup

    create table #numwords (number int primary key, words varchar(200))

    ;with expanded as

    (select N

    ,max(case when number = substring(reverse(N),4,1) then thousands else '' end) as thousands

    ,max(case when number = substring(reverse(N),3,1) then hundreds else '' end) as hundreds

    ,max(case when right(N,2) not between 11 and 19 and number = substring(reverse(N),2,1) then tens else '' end) as tens

    ,max(case when right(N,2) not between 11 and 19 and number = right(N,1) then ones

    when right(N,2) between 11 and 19 and number = right(N,2) then ones

    else '' end) as ones

    from @Numwords

    cross join dbo.Tally

    group by N


    insert into #numwords

    select N,isnull(thousands+' ','')+isnull(hundreds+' ','')+isnull(tens+' ','')+isnull(ones,'')

    from expanded

    where N <= 9999

    --select * from #numwords

    set statistics time on;

    -- test using join to existing table

    select t.N,nw.words

    from dbo.tally t

    join #numwords nw on t.N = nw.Number

    set statistics time off;

    -- test join with set of 9999 random numbers

    create table #testSet (testnum int)

    insert into #testset

    select ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) % 9998 + 1

    from dbo.tally

    where N < 10000

    set statistics time on;

    -- test using join to existing table

    select t.testnum,nw.words

    from #testSet t

    join #numwords nw on t.testNum = nw.Number

    set statistics time off;

    set statistics time on;

    -- test using the user function from the article

    select testnum,dbo.fnSpellInteger(testNum)

    from #testSet

    set statistics time off;

    drop table #numwords

    drop table #testSet


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills