Error while registering new Server

  • I have installed SQL Server 2005 on my local machine.I am facing folliwng issues while connecting.

    1.When i open SQL server management studio and view the registered server,it appeared with no servers.Although i have installed SQL server with default server option.

    2.Also When i tried to register a new server following error is occured.

    TITLE: New Server Registration


    Testing the registered server failed. Verify the server name, login credentials, and database, and then click Test again.



    An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 53)

    For help, click:




    3.After that when i clicked on 'Surface Area configuration for services and connection' below mentioned error is occured.

    TITLE: Surface Area Configuration for Services and Connections - localhost


    Computer localhost does not exist on the network, or the computer cannot be configured remotely. Verify that the remote computer has the required Windows Management Instrumentation components and then try again.



    [C:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum\\Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum.dll] InternalsVisibleTo declarations cannot have a version, culture, public key token, or processor architecture specified. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)




    Can any one please help me in this regard.

  • Error 40 then Error 53 means the server you are trying to connect to is down I know this when our development server was down twice.

    So you need to make sure the server is running before you come back for remote configurations.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Both MSSQLServer service and Local host were running on my machine when i tried to connect to the sql server but still unable to connect.

    One more thing that i observe is that when i click on a local host link in "Surface Area configuration" dialog ,both of the radio buttons option "Local Computer" and "Remote Computer" are unchecked.If i select the first option "Local Computer" and will open the dialog again it will again appear un selected.Please guide me why selection of Local computer for SQL server is not possible on my machine?

  • Go in SAC(surface area configuration) tool and enable both remote and local, then TCP/IP and Named Pipes and turn on the Browser Service. Then enable all in COnfiguration manager also. Check below for all you need to make sure you can connect to other SQL Server in your network.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

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