combine column values into a string...

  • I know, it sounds easy, right. Well, the trouble I have is that I have one

    ID column, int type, always has 6 digits, so that is easy. But

    the other two columns that I wanted to included are varchar type, and

    they are title and company name; therefore, the values in these fields are varied. So, when I combined them, each field does not seperate with a straight line because of this. I want to pad empty string but it does not work. Please see my query below.


    ID title company

    120000 Manager ABCDEF

    120001 Accounting Supervisor GHIJKLMNOPQRSTVW

    result wanted:

    company Title ID

    ABCDEF | Manager | 120000

    GHIJKLMNOPQRSTVW | Accounting Supervisor | 120001

    my query that I am stuck at:

    I know, it sounds easy, right. Well, what I have is one

    ID column, int type, always has 6 digits, so that is easy. But

    the other two columns that I wanted to included are varchar type, and

    they are title and company name; therefore, the values in these fields are varied.

    So, when I combined them, each field does not seperate with a straight line

    because of this. I want to pad empty string but it does not work.

    Please see my query below. Is there anyway to do this that I am not aware of. any help would be greatly appreciated.


    ID title company

    120000 Manager ABCDEF

    120001 Accounting Supervisor GHIJKLMNOPQRSTVW

    result wanted -- the column line up straight

    ABCDEF | Manager | 120000

    GHIJKLMNOPQRSTVW | Accounting Supervisor | 120001

    my query that I am stuck at:

    create table dummycompany


    id int,

    title varchar(100),

    companyname varchar(200)


    insert into dummycompany

    values(120000, 'Manager', 'ABCDEF')

    insert into dummycompany

    values(120011, 'Accounting Supervisor', 'GHIJKLMNOPQRSTVW')

    select * from dummycompany

    declare @maxTitle as int

    declare @maxName as int

    set @maxTitle = (select max(len(title)) from dummycompany with(nolock))

    set @maxName = (select max(len(companyname)) from dummycompany with(nolock))

    select(RIGHT(REPLICATE('', @maxTitle) + LTRIM(RTRIM(Title)), @maxTitle)) + ' | ' +

    (RIGHT(REPLICATE('', @maxName) + LTRIM(RTRIM(companyname)), @maxname)) + ' | ' +

    cast(id as varchar(15))


  • what exactly are you trying to accomplish?

    Usually this kind of formatting is done on the presentation layer. IE Report or Webpage.

    Are you exporting this data for someone?

    Why are you dynamically fixing the length of your query.

    Why don't you fix it to the length of the field.

    select convert(char(200), companyname) + '|' +

    convert(char(100), Title) + '|' + ltrim(str(ID))

    from dummycompany

  • I'm trying to display them in the list box in

    as one search that would show multiple columns.

    I tried to do it at the presentation layer, but html

    ignore blank space so it does not seem to work.

    I'm still researching differnt way to do it in the front end,

    but I was hoping to do it from sql. Thanks for responding.

  • You might want to use

    SELECT Title + SPACE(@maxtitle - LEN(Title)) + ' | '

    FROM dummycompany

    changing to use the SPACE function for Title and company name.

    Try above using SSMS and have the query results display as text. It will show the alinement you want. To copy and paste here, well this is HTML and it raises cain with blanks not being displayed, ditto in SSMS when displaying in grid mode, select Query - Results to - Results to text or use a control T. Selecting output to a file results in a Crystal report format which also clombers blanks ... Now what or how you can handle it in -- beyond me.

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • Hi bitbucket, thanks for replying.

    I see what you meant after I ran your query

    in text display in ssms. 'll keep play around with this

    to see if I can use it.

    i did not want to have to do this to be honest with you.

    in, there is a tool for display multiple columns,

    that is not the problem. The problem here I have is the

    users wants a kind of smart searching that they would

    type only a first few words then the list would match

    those words for all the columns related to those records

    the users are looking for. Currently, in the version I am using and

    with ajax tool, it can be done for listbox and dropdownbox,

    but only display for one column. that is why I am trying this in sql.

    anyway, I am still trying different kinds of ways to do this, so will see.

    thanks again.

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