User Accounts Randomly Disabled

  • Hello,

    I have SQL Server 2005 running on Windows Server 2003 sp2. Its a fairly new installation with a few databases and users. Issue: in the last week user accounts have become disabled twice - even accounts that are not being used yet. I go in and reset them to enabled and two days later they are all disabled again. This does not affect the sa account or other system logins though.

    Also I have recently started using EMC Networker to back up my files and sql tables, but it backs up my other servers - and they are not having this problem.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated and let me know if you need any more details.



  • I'd run a trace and look for what's doing this. I've never heard of SQL doing this for no reason.

    Perhaps security policy is set too low for locking? Or you have some process trying to log in too many times with these accounts.

    I'd trace for both of those.

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