
  • hi

    I want to exe sp_spaceused for every 5 hrs and store the result in table.

    I created sql job but can u tell me how to store the results in table?

  • sp_spacesused executes two transactions.

    You won't be able to just pump it into a table with

    INSERT table

    exec sp_spaceused

    You'll need to script out master..sp_spaceused and figure it out from there.

    There are lots of existing scripts out there too, maybe if you told us what you were looking for someone may have an existing script they can post.


  • I want to find database growth by every 4 hrs

  • here's one I whipped up that works on 2000 and 2005.

    set nocount on

    if object_id('tempdb..#DBSpace') is not null

    drop table #DBSpace


    create table #DBSpace


    ServerName sysname

    ,InstanceName sysname

    ,dbname sysname

    ,DB_OR_LOG_NAME sysname

    ,AllocatedMb integer

    ,UsedMb integer

    ,AutoGrowMaxSize integer


    exec master.dbo.sp_MSForEachDb @command1 =


    use [?]

    insert into #dbspace


    CAST( SERVERPROPERTY (''MachineName'') as nvarchar(128) ) AS MachineName

    , COALESCE ( CAST( SERVERPROPERTY (''InstanceName'') as nvarchar(128) ) , ''Default'') AS InstanceName

    , db_name()


    ,CAST(size /128 as decimal(12,2)) as ''Alloccated Size (MB)''

    ,CAST(fileproperty(name,''SpaceUsed'')/ 128.0 as decimal(12,2) ) as ''Space Used (MB)''

    -- Increase in Percentage else Growth -- Increase in Pages

    ,case maxsize when -1 then

    case groupid when 0 then 2097152

    else 2147483647 end else maxsize end as ''Max Size''

    from sysfiles


    Select ServerName


    ,dbname as DatabaseName

    ,DB_OR_LOG_NAME as filename



    ,(AutoGrowMaxSize /128) - UsedMB as 'FreeMB'

    , ((usedmb)*100 / (AutoGrowMaxSize /128)) as 'percent Used Mb'

    , (usedMB * 5 / 4) as 'ideal size (80% full)'

    ,AutoGrowMaxSize /128 as 'MaxSizeMB'

    from #dbspace

    where allocatedMB > 0

    order by db_or_log_name

  • If your system is 2005 you can also use this:


    num = row_number() over (order by sum(f.size)*8/1024 desc),

    database_name = left(,30),

    size_MB = sum(f.size)*8/1024


    sys.databases d join sys.master_files f on

    d.database_id = f.database_id

    group by

    order by


    --compute sum(sum(f.size)*8/1024)

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