Separating Semicolon Separated Fields

  • Hey,

    I have a flat file with 2 columns in it. an Identity field and a semicolon separated field

    I need to insert each code and its corresponding ID into a new table.

    Source Table

    ID Codes

    "1" "AB;CD"

    "2" "AB"

    "3" "ED"

    Destination Table

    ID Code

    "1" "AB"

    "1" "CD"

    "2" "AB"

    "3" "ED"

    In DTS I used a Cursor to do this but I thought there would be an easier way in SSIS.


  • In SSIS you can use the flat file source specifying semi-colon as the delimiter and should be able to directly connect that to an OLE DB Destination.

  • Sorry for the confusion..

    The flat file is actually Comma Separated.. but the Code Column is Semi-Colon Separated..

    so the flat file would look like this





  • Ahhh. I have done similar using a script component. It seems to work fairly well. It is a bit of a performance bottleneck because it has to run asynchronously in order to add rows to the dataflow. Here is the script:

    [font="Courier New"]    Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)

            Dim fieldcd As String = Row.fieldcd

            Dim ministryList As String = Row.ministries

            Dim delimiter As String = ","

            If Not (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ministryList)) Then

                Dim ministryListArray() As String = ministryList.Split(New String() {delimiter}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)

                For Each item As String In ministryListArray

                    With Output0Buffer


                        .fieldcd = fieldcd

                        .ministry = item.Replace(ControlChars.Cr, "").Replace(ControlChars.Lf, "").Replace(ControlChars.Tab, "").Trim()

                    End With


            End If

        End Sub


    You would change fieldcd to ID and ministry to codes. This basically creates a new dataset that gets passed on to the next component. To do this you have to set the Output SynchonousOutputID to None like in this screenshot:

  • Thanks It works great. This is exactly what I am looking for..

    The only problem was that I could not set the SynchonousOutputID to None because of the following error..

    "None is not a valid value for Int32."

    I just changed it to 0, and all seems good.

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