How to handle Nulls and derived columns?

  • I want to do a if null then value type to derived column. I have a column in a table that I want to say if column is NOTnull, then replace with value x

    Here is what I had so far


    so basically, I have 6 columns in a database that in our new database have all be consolidated into one column. In the old system, there is a FK in only 1 of the 6 columns for any give row, so there will NEVER be a row with a FK in more then 1 of the 6 FK Columns. Above is what I am trying to do with only 2 columns as example. I want to to look at column 1, if it is NULL, then skip to 2nd column, if it is NOT null, then use that FK. Hope this makes sense.

  • Have you tried Lookup tables?

    Once I figured out how to use lookups, I can't imagine needing to replace values in a derived column object any longer.

  • Can you use a T-SQL query for your source data? COALESCE would do the work for you very nicely.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Hi,

    Below is the code I think you are looking for. I also recommend coding in the affirmative rather than the negative.


    You will obviously continue to 6 columns.

    Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to test it, though I based it from derived column code I used which is tested below:

    (Suffix == "I" ? "1" : (Suffix == "II" ? "2" : (Suffix == "III" ? "3" : (Suffix == "IV" ? "4" : (Suffix == "V" ? "5" : (Suffix == "VI" ? "6" : (Suffix == "VII" ? "7" : (Suffix == "VIII" ? "8" : (Suffix == "IX" ? "9" : (Suffix == "X" ? "10" : Suffix))))))))))

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