editable dropdown parameters ?

  • Is it possible to have an editable dropdown list parameter in SSRS?

    i.e. User should be able to type in the value inside the dropdown paramter loist in addition to the normal 'select from list' operation....

  • I've never found a way to do this, when I've need this feature I have always created two parameters, one for the drop down and one for the input value (and then the input value parameter will take precedence inside the query).

    Would be interested to know if anybody else has managed this.


    Nigel West

  • As an alternative, one can add an entry textbox that has default value ‘%’.The user can enter their value in the text box and accordingly, the dropdown immediately gets filtered further. (I developed it and checked, it worked fine)

    But this is not what the user was needing. They need editable dropdown 🙁

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