• By creating an incredibly bigoted paper, you lost your credibility. When one chooses only that which supports their predetermined conclusion, they do an injustice to a good analysis.

    If one properly chooses selected components of RDBMS, one can make exactly the same kind of claims. For example a RDBMS is not a good way to send information across the internet. Talk about a large footprint. If this is all one considers, one could conclude that RDBMS is something one should avoid.

    BTW do you use Vista? If so then you are heavily invested in XML as it provides the underlying communications for Vista. I don't see a performance penalty. Vista appears to work pretty well.

    You have some good points but you've selectively chosen those things at which XML is not good and reinterpreted others to fit your conclusion.

    I'm amazed this article was printed twice.

    So something so bad performs extremely well in proper real use.