Dynamic SQL to create table variable

  • Task: carve a sp to perform a bulk insert from a txt file into a table variable which can then be further processed later on in the sp.

    Problems: the names of and number of columns within the table variable must be able to change dynamically. The stored proc may be run by multiple people at the same time so the table variable must be available only within the scope of each instance. (ie 2 people running the same code will not interfere with each others version table variable) - i believe using a table variable instead of a temp table will handle this.

  • You can't bulk insert into table variables. You can bulk insert into local temp tables. That satisfies your multiple simultaneous user requirement.

    Will you at least know the names and number of columns at run time? Perhaps by looking them up in some sort of data dictionary?

  • If i use a local temp table do i use the prefix # ?

    ie #tbl123

    Is this the best solution?

    1.Create the local temp table.

    2.Use DynamicSQL to alter the local temp table


    declare @dynamicsql as varchar(1000)

    declare @DataloggerColumsSQL as varchar(255)

    set @DataloggerColumsSQL = '[Rate43] [decimal](18, 5) NULL, [Tonn43] [decimal](18, 0) NULL'

    --create the local temp table

    CREATE TABLE #tblfec(

    [LoadDate] [smalldatetime] NULL,

    [LoadTime] [nvarchar](50) NULL


    select * from #tblfec

    -- dynamically add the columns

    SET @DynamicSQL = 'ALTER TABLE #tblfec ADD ' + @DataloggerColumsSQL


    print @DynamicSQL

    SET @DynamicSQL = 'select * from #tblfec'


  • The columns names and data types are being provided from the application calling the sp.

  • That will work.

    Do you have to make or use format files too? Be sure they allow for your LoadDate and LoadTime columns. Of course, you could make the table with a dummy column, add all the ones you really need with dynamic sql, drop the dummy, insert the text, then add the LoadDate and LoadTime but that's messy.

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