how to improve cube processing time? will indexes help?

  • i would like to increase the speed at which it takes some of the cubes in analysis services

    to process.

    if i add indexes to some of the tables in the relational database... shouldn't that improve the

    speed of cube processing?

    if thats true... how do i know which tables to target for index creation?

    thanks in advance.


  • I did a couple things to improve our cube processing time.

    First, during the cube process I ran a profiler on our data source to uncover the queries that were being run to retrieve the data. You can also view these queries when you are manually processing the cube from Visual Studio or SSMS. I then threw those queries into SSMS and reviewed the query plans. I updated indexes accordingly which really improved processing times.

    The second thing I did was implement a process add for our measure groups and one of our dimensions. That way instead of processing the entire set of data, only that data that was added was processed. The process add for the dimension is not available through the GUI and must been done with a rather lengthy XMLA script, but it did cut down our cube processing time.

    Hope that helps!

  • it does. appreciate it. 🙂


  • I found if I indexed all my keys to the dimension tables (25 or so), that my cube processing time dropped substantially.

    Good luck

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