Reporting comma and dot

  • This is my problem...

    I have some money values for example



    i won't in report to get 330.345,011


    any idea please???

  • Try using Convert and Replace to change the comma to another character (like @) then change the '.' to comma(s) finally change the other character (@) to a dot. Convert might be needed to change from money to varchar and then back to money after manipulating the string.


  • thx toni i know for that, but i dont know may i do that in report with some expression or something... thx anyway

  • yes you can do this by using an expression in the format of the textbox which contains that value.

    an example I used is to replace the minus field for negative values for () around that value.

    Example expression

    #,##0.00; (#,##0.00); "-";

    Another example is to use;


    (this should work)

    **Be aware of problems with language settings

    Good luck

    Niels Nagle

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