Report Server Windows Service App Error 107

  • I have an occasional recurring report server error in the app log:

    Event ID:107

    Report Server Windows Serive [MSSQLSERVER] cannot connect to the report server database.

    This normally seems to relate to the SQL SERVER service not running and hence the database not being available. However here no services have stopped, failed or been restarted. Nothing I can see in the sqlserver or MS event logs seems to point to a likely cause.

    Any suggentions greatly appreciated.


  • If SSRS and the database engine are on the same server, it's likely a timing issue. The SSRS service is starting up before the database engine is ready and the first connection attempt therefore fails.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Thanks for the response.


  • Hi...

    So how can we avoid this? Please give me a solution for this.

  • I am experiencing the same issue. It happens in the middle of the day -- after users have already been running reports. Is there anything to avoid users getting knocked out of reporting services

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