Neew help in Query please

  • I need to do a pull in each db.... Thanks in advance for help...


    Server: Msg 55555, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSforeach_worker, Line 79

    sp_MSforeach_worker assert failed:  command too long

    (0 row(s) affected)


    The query below was running fine, but when I added


    if exists (select [?].dbo.* from sysobjects where [?].dbo.[name] = ''Communication'' and [?].dbo.xtype = ''u'')


    ========================== I got the error above.

    Insert into EmailStats

    EXEC sp_MSForEachDB 'IF ''[?]'' NOT IN (''master'', ''model'', ''msdb'', ''tempdb'')

    if exists (select [?].dbo.* from sysobjects where [?].dbo.[name] = ''Communication'' and [?].dbo.xtype = ''u'')


     select distinct  ''[?]'',

     a.*, b.Opened,  b.HardBounced, b.SoftBounced, b.MalFormed, c.Unsubscribed from (

    select distinct


     ii.[name] as IssueName,

     c.[name] as CampaignName,

     p.[name] as ProjectName 


    from [?].dbo.individual1 i

      inner join [?].dbo.project p

        on a.projectFK = p.[id]

      inner join [?].dbo.campaign c

        on p.campaignFK = c.[id]

      inner join [?].dbo.issue ii

        on c.issueFK = ii.[id]


      convert(varchar(10),cc.iniDate,112) >= ''20070101''


    group by







    ) a

    left JOIN (

    select M.ActionFK,

     case when mbsStatus = 9 then Cnt else 0  end as Opened,

     case when mbsStatus = 5 then Cnt else 0 end as HardBounced,

     case when mbsStatus = 6 then Cnt else 0 end as SoftBounced,

     case when mbsStatus = 7 then Cnt else 0 end as MalFormed


    (select c.actionFK,

     mbsStatusTypeFK as mbsStatus,

     count(c.[id]) as cnt

    from [?].dbo.communication c

    where convert(varchar(10),c.iniDate,112) >= ''20070101'' 

    group by c.actionFK,

     mbsStatusTypeFK )M


    ) b

     on a.ACtionID = b.ActionFK

    left join

     (select action_fk, count(ind_fk) as Unsubscribed

        from [?].dbo.unsubscribe

        group by action_fk ) c  

    on a.ActionID = c.Action_fk





    -- select * From emailStats

  • Looking at the sp_MSfor... procedures there seems to be a limit on the number of placholders ('?'s) you can use in the command string of 9. It looks like you have exceeded that with your latest change.

    That's the problem with using undocumented features, the limits are also undocumented.


  • Yes absolutely it was because of exceeding the maximum number of Placeholders inside of sp_msforeachtable or sp_msforeachdb. i have got the same problem but i have just replaced that placeholder(?) with a variable and i have used that variable over my entire script that works fine for me.:-)

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