Retrieve data from SQL stored procedure in MS Excel

  • I have been searching this forum and the web to find the answer for this question, but no luck. I am not new the VBA but I am new to using ADO in VBA. Hopefully, someone in this forum has experience with this.

    Basically, I want the result set from my stored procedure to be posted in Excel spreadsheet. The result set has more than 8 columns. This stored procedure has two parameter and both are datetime type (proc_Charge @Start, @End). These parameter will get when the input from the Excel spreadsheet after user selection.

    Below is my sub procedure in the form:

    Sub GetData()

    Dim RangeA As Range

    Dim RangeB As Range

    Set RangeA = Worksheets("CS").Range("B3")

    Set RangeB = Worksheets("CS").Range("E3")

    Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command

    Dim param As New ADODB.Parameter

    Dim conn As ADODB.Connection

    Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset

    Dim stParam As String

    Dim svrConn As String

    Dim i As Interger, j As Integer

    Const SERVER As String = "MyPC"

    svrConn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=" & SERVER & ";Database=Test;Integrated Security=SSPI"

    Set conn = New ADODB.Connection

    conn.Open svrConn

    With cmd

    .ActiveConnection = conn

    .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

    .CommandText = "proc_Charge"

    End With

    stParam = "Start"

    Set param = cmd.CreateParameter(stParam, adDBDate, adParamInput)

    cmd.Parameters.Append param

    cmd.Parameters(stParam).Value = RangeA.Value

    stParam = "End"

    Set param = cmd.CreateParameter(stParam, adDBDate, adParamInput)

    cmd.Parameters.Append param

    cmd.Parameters(stParam).Value = RangeB.Value

    Set rst = cmd.Execute

    rst.Open cmd

    If rst.EOF <> True Then



    Do Until rst.EOF

    For i = 0 To rst.Fields.Count - 1

    ActiveSheet.Cells(j, i + 1).Value = rst.Fields(i).Value


    j = j + 1



    End If



    Set cmd = Nothing

    Set conn = Nothing

    Set rst = Nothing

    End Sub

    This procedure always stop with run-time error at "If rst.EOF <> True Then" statement saying the operation is not allowed when the object is closed. I don't see how the object is close.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated. If there is anything wrong with the sub procedure, feel free to correct me too. Thank you so much.

  • KC

    The first thing to check for is to make sure that in your stored procedure you place at the top (after your parameters) SET NOCOUNT ON. That may be the reason why the proc is not returning a recordset, even though it may work perfectly well in Query Analyser. Give that a shot and let's see what happens.


  • Thank you for the reply, cje.

    On my stored procedure, I do have the SET NOCOUNT at the top. Like you said, it ran perfectly find in QA. Below is how my stored proc looks like:

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.proc_GetData


    @Start datetime,

    @End datetime











    Thank you again.

  • >>I don't see how the object is close.

    The problem may be that you did this, paradoxical as it may seem:

    Set rst = cmd.Execute
    rst.Open cmd ' <-- this line here may be the problem

    After the Execute, it's like you're telling the rst to get ready to do something else.

    Try code that looks like this, without the .Open:

    Set rst = cmd.Execute
    If Not rst.BOF() Then ...

    If that doesn't work, take your parameters-arranging and command-handling out of the question, like this (I'm not sure I have your params right, I'm just looking at your code quickly, but it will be something similar):

    Set rst = .Execute("proc_Charge @Start='" &  _
                       Trim(CSTR(RangeB.Value)) & "'")
    If Not rst.BOF() Then ...

    Once you've verified what should be happening, using the simpler syntax above but still using the sproc, you can go back to using the command object if you like.



  • I had to take out the following line to get it to work

    rst.Open cmd

  • I have tried the above suggestion suggestions, none works for me.

    Below is my new sub procedure code:

    Sub GetData()

    Dim RangeA As Range

    Dim RangeB As Range

    Set RangeA = Worksheets("CS").Range("B3")

    Set RangeB = Worksheets("CS").Range("E3")

    Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command

    Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection

    Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset

    Dim param1 As ADODB.Parameter, param2 As ADODB.Parameter

    Dim stParam As String

    Dim svrConn As String

    Dim i As Interger, j As Integer

    Const SERVER As String = "MyPC"

    conn.Provider = "SQLOLEDB"

    svrConn = "Server=" & SERVER & ";Database=Test;Integrated Security=SSPI"

    conn.Open svrConn

    cmd.ActiveConnection = conn

    With cmd

    .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

    .CommandText = "proc_Charge"

    End With

    Set param1 = cmd.CreateParameter("Start", adDBDate, adParamInput)

    cmd.Parameters.Append param1

    param1.Value = Trim(CStr(RangeA.Value))

    Set param2 = cmd.CreateParameter(stParam, adDBDate, adParamInput)

    cmd.Parameters.Append param2

    param2.Value = Trim(CStr(RangeB.Value))

    Set rst = cmd.Execute


    While Not rst.EOF

    For i = 0 To rst.Fields.Count - 1

    ActiveSheet.Cells(j, i + 1).Value = rst.Fields(i).Value


    j = j + 1





    Set cmd = Nothing

    Set conn = Nothing

    Set rst = Nothing

    End Sub

    The procedure still crashed @ the "While Not rst.EOF" with error message "Operation is not allowed when the object is closed."

    Any idea? I used the immediate watch window to troubleshoot the variable, the parameters returns the correct values. Thank you once again.

  • Did you try what I suggested, about removing the command object from the picture, while still executing your stored procedure?

    Note: this is different from confirming that the parameters return the correct values.


  • on your parameters, you're using Cstr() - try Cdate() function instead, since your proc is looking for DateTime parameters

  • Wow!! just noticed that you append the parameters to the collection before you set the values for them - switch the 2 lines where you append and set the values.

  • Yes, I did try both of your suggestion, Lisa.

    1) Try this way and it made no different, gave me the same error code.

    Set rst = cmd.Execute

    If Not rst.BOF() Then ...

    2) Try this way and recevied a different error message. It complained the stored procedure expecting a @Start parameter.

    Set rst = .Execute("proc_Charge @Start='" & _

    Trim(CSTR(RangeB.Value)) & "'")

    If Not rst.BOF() Then ...

    As for your suggestion, cje. I did change the function to use CDate() and made no different. Still said the object was closed. Then I moved the statement for setting the value for the parameter before the append statement, it still gave me the same error. Now, it is like this:

    Set param1 = cmd.CreateParameter("Start", adDBDate, adParamInput)

    param1.Value = Trim(CDate(RangeA.Value))


    Any more suggestion?

  • no, no


    set param1 = cmd.createparameter("@start", adDBDate, adParamInput, ,CDate(RangeA.value))

    cmd.Parameters.Append param1   --(no period after append)

    Do this for both parameters

  • >>It complained the stored procedure expecting a @Start parameter.

    That's funny, I do it this way and it works fine. Are you sure you used the connection.Execute() method? 

    Remember, we're not talking to the command object here, and we're definitely not talking to a stored procedure-configured instance of a command object.  We're just executing a line of SQL code against a connection.  That line of code just happens to be executing a stored procedure, including its arguments, just as you might do it in the query analyzer.

    If this does not turn out to be the problem... then what version of MDAC components is on the computer you're using? Here is some typical mdac-version checking code.  (If this sub crashes for you, of course, you *know* you need to update MDAC <g&gt

    Function CheckMDACVer()
       Dim MDACVer As MDACVer.Version
       Set MDACVer = CreateObject("MDACVer.Version")
       CheckMDACVer = (MDACVer.Major = 2 And _
                      MDACVer.Minor >= 8) Or _
                      MDACVer.Major > 3
       If (Not CheckMDACVer) Then
          MsgBox "This application requires an updated version "  _
                 & vbCr & _
                 "of Microsoft MDAC components to function." & vbCr & vbCr & _
                 "Please contact the developer (Lisa).", _
                 vbCritical, "Update your computer!"
       End If
       Set MDACVer = Nothing
    End Function


  • sorry, cje. I made the change and it still crashes. Same error, "Operation is not allowed when the object is closed".

    set param1 = cmd.createparameter("@Start", adDBDate, adParamInput, ,CDate(RangeA.value))

    cmd.Parameters.Append param1

    set param2 = cmd.createparameter("@Start", adDBDate, adParamInput, ,CDate(RangeA.value))

    cmd.Parameters.Append param2

  • Lisa, I used the MS Component Checker to check my MDAC version. It reports that I have MDAC 2.8 SP1 on my PC.

  • OK, KC, what about the other question I asked you in that message?  Are you sure you executed the command against the right object?  I can't understand how you could get a complaint about a stored procedure when, as far as the MDAC component knows, it's not executing a stored procedure.

    Maybe you should post the entire revision that (attempt to) follow my the suggestion to remove the command object from your code?


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