Error 1722 - (The RPC server is unavailable) occurred while...

  • I'm trying to see if it's possible to create an Alias for a named instance in order to avoid the naming convention of ServerName\InstanceName.  I'm able to register the server in EM and also connect to the instance using the Alias name, however when I try to stop the SQL Server service from within EM I receive the following error.

    An error 1722 - (The RPC server is unavailable) occurred while performing this service operation on the MSSQLServer service.

    Any idea on what is causing this error?

    Thanks,   Dave

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  • I get the same error

    I don't have any idea; but I can tell you my situation.

    Firstly, all my instances are named in the way you said; servername\instancename.

    I can create an alias and have made more than one alias to the same instance - reasons follow.

    I found a few days ago, I could not register the instance, after its removal from the server group it had been under; so far I have only been able to reconnect via an alias. This was after removal of an un-needed instance, using the install program, and running servicepak 4 (sql server 2000) again.

    Now this is what is strange; my named pipes alias doesn't get the problem (you described), but my alias that uses local host DOES. That is; an alias using TCP,\instancename registers, but after running servicepak 4 get the error you discuss.

    Sorry if this just muddies it all,


    Strangely, only 7 of 13 usual scripts run on the instance I'm trying to re-register when I run servicepak 4.

  • I don't recall how or if I resolved the problem. Here are two links someone passed along to me that may be of some use.;en-us;q323790

    If the server was registered before you created the alias, try deleting the server registration in EM and then re-register the server. I have a feeling this will not solve your problem.

    Good luck,


  • I just re-registered my server in SSMS and this issue went away.

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