• There is one better than any of those, it's called Michel Max SSMS Tools, and its free, below the list of functionalities:
    - Format SQL Code.
    - Prepare the Procedures/Functions to be called.
    - Regions to organize the code.
    - Retrieve the complete Information of a Table.
    - Tab Colorize, base in the configuration window you can colorize the existing session based in the filters that you applied, making easy to the developer to identify each server/database he/she is working on.
    - Selection Highlight for the same word in the SQL Code.
    - Style Markers for the same word in the SQL Code.
    - Configurable CRUD creation.
    - Copy/Paste Table Structure and Data (Client Side).
    - Grid Search, with advanced Extended and Regular Expression.
    - Grid Search Highlight.
    - Grid Style Markers.
    - Grid Export to JSON, Excel XML.
    - Grid Image Capture.
    - Configurable Header Text Template, with quick insert, so you can easily sign you codes.
    - Quick encapsulate code in region.
