• ste.cox - Thursday, June 21, 2018 9:27 AM


    not sure if this is possible but i am trying to build a query that can gives me a total for a group of items.

    the query i have so far is:

    t3.e_reference "Group",
    t1.p_surname "Surname",

    case when(
    case when SUBSTRING(t15.m_reference,3,2) = 'A2' then
       SUM((case when t6.e_grade = 'A*' then 6
         when t6.e_grade = 'A' then 5
         when t6.e_grade = 'B' then 4
         when t6.e_grade = 'C' then 3
         when t6.e_grade = 'D' then 2
         when t6.e_grade = 'E' then 1
         when t6.e_grade = 'U' then 0 else null end) -
         (case when t5.sc_reference3 = 'A*' then 6
         when t5.sc_reference3 = 'A' then 5
         when t5.sc_reference3 = 'B' then 4
         when t5.sc_reference3 = 'C' then 3
         when t5.sc_reference3 = 'D' then 2
         when t5.sc_reference3 = 'E' then 1
         when t5.sc_reference3 = 'U' then 0 else null end))
    when SUBSTRING(t15.m_reference,3,2) = 'ZA' then
       SUM((case when t6.e_grade = 'D*' then 4
         when t6.e_grade = 'D' then 3
         when t6.e_grade = 'M' then 2
         when t6.e_grade = 'P' then 1
         when t6.e_grade = 'U' then 0 else null end) -
         (case when t5.sc_text1 = 'D*' then 4
         when t5.sc_text1 = 'D' then 3
         when t5.sc_text1 = 'M' then 2
         when t5.sc_text1 = 'P' then 1
         when t5.sc_text1 = 'U' then 0 else null end))
    when SUBSTRING(t15.m_reference,3,2) = 'ZD' then
       SUM((case when t6.e_grade = 'D*D*D*' then 12
         when t6.e_grade = 'D*D*D' then 11
         when t6.e_grade = 'D*DD' then 10
         when t6.e_grade = 'DDD' then 9
         when t6.e_grade = 'DDM' then 8
         when t6.e_grade = 'DMM' then 7
         when t6.e_grade = 'MMM' then 6
         when t6.e_grade = 'MMP' then 5
         when t6.e_grade = 'MPP' then 4
         when t6.e_grade = 'PPP' then 3
         when t6.e_grade = 'U' then 0 else null end) -
         (case when t5.sc_text3 = 'D*D*D*' then 12
         when t5.sc_text3 = 'D*D*D' then 11
         when t5.sc_text3 = 'D*DD' then 10
         when t5.sc_text3 = 'DDD' then 9
         when t5.sc_text3 = 'DDM' then 8
         when t5.sc_text3 = 'DMM' then 7
         when t5.sc_text3 = 'MMM' then 6
         when t5.sc_text3 = 'MMP' then 5
         when t5.sc_text3 = 'MPP' then 4
         when t5.sc_text3 = 'PPP' then 3
         when t5.sc_text3 = 'U' then 0 else null end)) 
    else null end) = -2 then 1 else 0 end as '-2'

    capd_person t1 with (nolock)
    inner join capd_student t2 with (nolock) on t2.s_id=t1.p_id
    inner join capd_moduleenrolment t6 with (nolock) on t1.p_id=t6.e_student
    inner join capd_examsubjectentry t8 with (nolock) on t8.ese_id=t6.e_id
    inner join capd_moduleenrolment t3 with (nolock) on t2.s_studenttutorgroup=t3.e_id
    inner join capd_studentcustom t5 with (nolock) on t1.p_id=t5.sc_customstudent
    inner join capd_studentcustom t7 with (nolock) on t1.p_id=t7.sc_customstudent
    inner join capd_module t9 with (nolock) on t6.e_module=t9.m_id
    inner join capd_examsubject t10 with (nolock) on t10.es_id=t9.m_id
    inner join capd_examsubboardspecific t12 with (nolock) on t12.esbs_id=t9.m_id
    left outer join caps_valid_codes t13 with (nolock) on t13.vc_code=t12.esbs_gceoptionitem and t13.vc_domain='gceoptionitem'
    left outer join capd_moduleenrolment t14 with (nolock) on t6.e_parent=t14.e_id
    inner join capd_module t11 with (nolock) on t9.m_id=t11.m_id
    left outer join capd_examsubject t16 with (nolock) on t16.es_id=t11.m_id
    left outer join capd_module t15 with (nolock) on t14.e_module=t15.m_id

    and ((t6.e_points is not null) or (t6.e_grade is not null))
    and (t10.es_examsubjectreference!='CREF')
    and (t13.vc_name='Cert')
    and (t6.e_grade is not null)
    and (t15.m_level in ('A2','Z','A')) -- change to level A for 2018 onwards
    and (t6.e_name not like '%%AEA%%')
    and (t7.sc_type='PA')
    and (t5.sc_type='AL')
    and (getdate()>isnull(t16.es_examsubexpawarddate,'01-Sep-2000')+' 06:00')
    and (t10.es_examsubjectyear in ('2017','2016','2015')) -- change year
    and t3.e_reference like '_ _-%%' -- change date
    and (t15.m_end<='01-aug-'+dbo.tochar(Datepart(yyyy,dbo.addmonths(getdate(),-8)),null))
    and (t3.e_end>='01-aug-'+dbo.tochar(Datepart(yyyy,dbo.addmonths(getdate(),-20)),null))
    and (t3.e_start<='01-aug-'+dbo.tochar(Datepart(yyyy,dbo.addmonths(getdate(),-8)),null))
    and t15.m_reference not like '__z3-%%'
    and t1.p_id = 100001146178659

    group by

    which gives me:


    A 1-16Nguyen1
    A 1-16Nguyen1

    and i want to be able to sum these grouped by group so i would get

    A 1-16Nguyen2

    but i cant get another layer of grouping in there as i get the following error: Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate or a subquery.

    is there any way around this? am i missing something obvious?

    The simple solution is to place this query in a CTE (aka Common Table Expression), and then SELECT your columns FROM the CTE and use your outer GROUP BY in that query.  Again, with such complex CASE statements, there may be ways to considerably simplify this.

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)