Home Forums SQL Server 2005 Backups Restore with different name on same server RE: Restore with different name on same server

  • I know this is an old Post. It is pretty much what I am trying to do. I used the backup via the GUI interface. 
    I backed up database A to a separate location. Once I have done as a file ABC.mdf 
    I used the GUI interface to do a Restore operation changing the device to ABC.mdf
    changed name to database B
    on the files tab Restore AS pointed to directory on same server bothe the data and log file
    Database A files are in the original location and database B are in the new location

    My Problem is that it appears that both database A and database B are insinc with each other.
    One is the production envirnment and the other is the Development area.
    Any possible ways to determine that they are not insinc
    I have never seen this before.

    Thank You
    I would appreciate any feedback