• Jonathan Dabbs - Thursday, May 4, 2006 4:17 AM

    We have a client that's still on SQL Server 6.5 (yes, I know, I struggled to remember that far back too!), and they asked me to do some work on importing a text file into a table.  Never used DTS or bulk import in the past, but didn't think this was going to be too much of an issue.  however, I'm struggling to get the data in using bulk insert without the double quotes that are included in the file (the quotes are needed as some columns have several commas within the same field, and should all go into the same column).

    The format of the file is csv, and here's a sample line.

    "Fred", "Bloggs", "123 Any Street, Any town, Any county, AB1 2CD", "Teacher".

    When I use bulk insert, it imports it with the quotes still in the file. i.e.

    select * from table;

    Forename    Surname     Address                                                               Occupation

    "Fred"         "Bloggs"      "123 Any Street, Any town, Any county, AB1 2CD" "Teacher"

    I'm obviously doing something very simple wrong, but can someone point out what this is, so I can import into the table without these quotes?

    Unfortunately, I can't amend the source file, as it's supplied externally.

    Many thanks


    HI Jonathan,

    Could you please tell me how did you import the same data to SQL Server.
    "Fred", "Bloggs", "123 Any Street, Any town, Any county, AB1 2CD", "Teacher"

    I imported the data but due to ("123 Any Street, Any town, Any county, AB1 2CD") this row the comma(,) between the string is not able to import the data to sql server. how can i achieve. Please let me know.