• ScottPletcher - Tuesday, December 12, 2017 2:50 PM

    Could you provide actual test data, as CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, rather than just a picture of data.  We can't write code against a picture .🙂

    Yup sorry, it was at the top of the original post but definitely not a great format.  Let me try again:
    if exists (
        select [object_id]
        from sys.tables
        where [object_id] = object_id('dbo.TestData')
        drop table dbo.TestData

    create table TestData (
        StudentNumber int,
        Seq int,
        Subj nvarchar(50),
        ScoreA int,
        ScoreB int,
        ScoreC int

    insert into TestData (
    (123, 2, 'subject1', 2, 5, null), (123, 3, 'subject2', 20, 13, null), (123, 1, 'subject3', 23, 48, 39),
    (345, 2, 'subject1', 20, 50, null), (345, 3, 'subject2', 200, 130, null), (345, 1, 'subject3', 230, 480, 390)

    Michael L John - Tuesday, December 12, 2017 2:51 PM

    What have you tried?  Can you post that code?

    A few questions.
    Will there always be only 3 scores for a course for a student? In other words, there will be one row per student per course.

    To answer you're question - yes, the number of score columns per subject will be static.  Here's one example of a working solution I have (which feels unnecessarily complicated) - just tack this code underneath the test data bit right above ^:
    select *
    from TestData

    declare @XML xml;
    with distinctcandidates as (
        select distinct StudentNumber from TestData
    select @XML = (
        select dc.StudentNumber as [@StudentID],
                select Subj as [@subjname],
                from TestData
                where StudentNumber = dc.StudentNumber
                order by seq
                for xml path ('Subject'), type
             ) as Subjects
        from distinctcandidates dc
        for xml path('Candidate'), root ('Candidates')

    select @xml

    select XCol.value('../@StudentID', 'int') as studentnumber,
        scorea1 = XCol.value('Subject[1]/scorea[1]','int'),
        scoreb1 = XCol.value('Subject[1]/scoreb[1]','int'),
        scorec1 = XCol.value('Subject[1]/scorec[1]','int'),
        scorea2 = XCol.value('Subject[2]/scorea[1]','int'),
        scoreb2 = XCol.value('Subject[2]/scoreb[1]','int'),
        scorec2 = XCol.value('Subject[2]/scorec[1]','int'),
        scorea3 = XCol.value('Subject[3]/scorea[1]','int'),
        scoreb3 = XCol.value('Subject[3]/scoreb[1]','int'),
        scorec3 = XCol.value('Subject[3]/scorec[1]','int')
    from @XML.nodes('Candidates/Candidate/Subjects') AS XTbl(XCol)

    Thanks for the continued interest
