• DesNorton - Tuesday, August 22, 2017 3:09 AM

    Shanmuga Raj - Tuesday, August 22, 2017 2:14 AM

    I need help to Query optimization.
    Query is part of StoredProcedure which executes for more than one hour.
    I need to optimize the query in such a way the action is done faster.
    StoredProcedure does the below action.
    1. Drop Table
    2. Create Table with data from various joins using "Into Table"
    3.Alter Table Add CONSTRAINT [PK_DimProjectHeader_1] PRIMARY KEY

    I am mentioning the steps followed since the query will have lot of columns and tables..Below are the steps followed with few columns and joins used. 

      If Object_Id ('CAPRIS_Application_DB.DWH.DimProjectHeader') is not null
    Drop table [dwh].[DimProjectHeader]

    SELECT skm.[SID],
         ,spho.LongDescription,spho.MediumDescription,spho.ShortDescription,N'#N/A') AS SalesProjectHeaderGUIDTextEN
      ,COALESCE(ph.[TrainingType], '') as [TrainingType]
         ,COALESCE(tt.ShortDescription,N'#N/A') AS TrainingTypeTextEN
      ,COALESCE(ph.[LostToCompetitor], '') as [LostToCompetitor]
         ,COALESCE(CASE WHEN ph.salesstagesince > 0 then
                 CONVERT(varchar(10),CONVERT (datetime,convert(char(8),ph.salesstagesince)) , 104)
                 CAST(ph.salesstagesince as char(1))-- '0'
            END ,'') as SalesStageSince
    into [dwh].[DimProjectHeader]

    FROM [cdw].[DimProjectHeaderSKMap] SKM
    left join [cdw].[DimProjectHeader] PH on skm.sid = ph.sid 
    LEFT OUTER JOIN [cdw].[RefOEMText] om ON om.OEM=ph.[OEMLevel1]
    AND om.textID =304
    LEFT OUTER JOIN [cdw].[RefDomainValueText] rfp ON rfp.LowerValue=ph.[ReasonforProductProzessUpgrade]
        and rfp.Domain= 'ZADTEL00004Z'
        and rfp.LanguageKey='E'
    LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT SalesProjectHeaderGUID,SalesProjectHeaderNumber FROM cdw.DimProjectHeader) refph
        ON ph.ReferenceNumber = refph.SalesProjectHeaderNumber


    ALTER TABLE [dwh].[DimProjectHeader]

    This query does not appear to be complete

    • Your field [SalesProjectHeaderGUIDTextEN] references aliases [sph] and [spho] which do not exist in the query
    • Your field [TrainingTypeTextEN] references alias [tt] which does not exist in the query

    From a performance perspective, you have 2 LEFT JOINs which do not get used anywhere in the query.  They are just wasting resources while they go on a wild goose chase for data that you don't need/want.

    The query is part of my stored procedure.. i have not pasted the part of the query.. i just want to know how to optimize the query