• dev.tridib - Friday, August 18, 2017 11:27 AM

    Thanks for your reply. I completely understand the necessity of backing up encryption key. Let me rephrase my question.
    Is there any way I can check using script (Power shell/T-SQL) that the key backup was successful and the date of backup. Just the way we can check in msdb..backupset about database backup. My customer wants a report to be sent mentioning the Key backup date and that's why I am looking for metadata table from where I can get the location of the backup so that I can provide a generic script.

    No. Unlike a SQL Server Database back up, you only ever need "one" backup of the key, provided you keep it safe. It won't change like a database does (which is part of the reason why SQL Server keeps a history, so you know how old your backups are).


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.