• -- Here's an attempt to remove the complex view vwDeals from the query. Run it and compare with the original.
    -- Note that I can't find [AccountingDate] in the view. You will have to track this down.
    -- I can't find which table [HFFTotalFee] is from, the reference isn't fully qualified in vwDeals so you will have to find out where this is from too.
    -- There are some other changes in the FROM list.
     INTO #ReportDealCore
     FROM report.fnReportDealCore(@StartDate, @EndDate, @Type) AS FDC
    Select Distinct
     --D.AccountingDate AS AccountingDate, -- not in vwDeals
     --D.HFFTotalFee, -- don't know where this comes from
     D.DealTypeID, -- join column found in Deals table
     D.OfficeID, -- join column found in Deals table
     case when C.CountryID <> 1 then 'Foreign' else R.Region end as Region,
     MTRE.Producer as PrimaryProducer,
     O.Name as HFFOffice
    FROM #ReportDealCore AS FDC
    INNER JOIN DealProperties AS DP ON DP.DealID = FDC.DealID AND DP.IsMainProperty = 1 AND DP.DateRemoved IS NULL
    --INNER JOIN report.vwDeals AS D ON D.DealID = FDC.DealID -- ##
    INNER JOIN Deals AS D ON D.DealID = FDC.DealID -- ##
    INNER JOIN Assets AS A ON DP.AssetID = A.AssetID
    LEFT JOIN Activities as ACT on ACT.DealID = FDC.DealID AND ACT.Type >= 2 AND ACT.Type <=7
    LEFT JOIN ActivityTypes AS AT ON AT.ActivityTypeID = ACT.Type -- ##
    LEFT JOIN DealStages AS DS ON DS.StageID = FDC.StageID -- ##
    LEFT JOIN DealTypes DT ON DT.DealTypeID = D.DealTypeID -- ##
    LEFT JOIN DealPlatforms AS DPF ON DPF.PlatformID = FDC.PlatformID -- ##
    LEFT JOIN PropertyTypes AS PT ON PT.PropertyTypeID = DP.PropertyTypeID -- ##
    LEFT JOIN Cities as C on C.CityID = A.CityID -- ##
    LEFT JOIN States as S on S.StateID = C.StateID -- ##
    --LEFT JOIN Regions as R ON isnull(C.RCARegionID, isnull(S.RCARegionID,S.RegionID)) = R.RegionID -- ##
    LEFT JOIN Regions as R ON R.RegionID = COALESCE(C.RCARegionID,S.RCARegionID,S.RegionID)
    LEFT JOIN Offices as O on O.OfficeID = D.OfficeID -- ##
    LEFT JOIN vwReportMemberTypeResults_Employee AS MTRE ON MTRE.DealID = D.DealID -- ##
    --LEFT JOIN vwReportMemberTypeResults_Client AS MTRC ON MTRC.DealID = D.DealID
    --LEFT JOIN vwReportOnlyLoserOffers AS LO ON LO.DealID = D.DealID -- ##
    INNER JOIN vwReportOnlyLoserOffers AS LO ON LO.DealID = D.DealID -- ##
    WHERE D.AccountingDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate
     AND LO.isForeign = 1 -- this converts left join to inner join
    ORDER BY D.DealID ASC, LO.InvestorID ASC, AT.ActivityTypeID DESC
    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden