• martin.vogt 19133 - Wednesday, June 28, 2017 9:29 AM

    The fail over to the secondary node works fine, when i fail over manually or when I perform a regular shut down of the primary.
    When i just disconnect the primary from the network or do a forced power-off, the cluster (connected to the listener IP address) becomes unavailable. 

    After this, i connected to the secondary node via RDP and used the  Mgmt Studio for checking the status. Looking to the availability replicas, the secondary node (which I'm connected to) says "Resolving", for the primary there is a question mark.

    So the availability group runs just fine on the 2nd node AVG02, have you checked the application event log and more importantly the cluster events for more info?

    martin.vogt 19133 - wenesday, June 28, 2017 9:29 AMFrom my understanding, the new feature called dynamic quorum does not need to setup a witness anymore, or are i'm wrong?

    Wrong, you still need to configure an appropriate quorum for your cluster design


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉