• Thanks for your help Chris and John!
    I was able to make this work using the code below.

    declare @objcursor as cursor 
    declare @delquery as nvarchar(max)
    declare @vsql as nvarchar(max),@vquery as nvarchar(max)

    set @vquery = 'select * from Test_A'     -- 'Test_A' will be replaced by a variable from an outer cursor
    set @vsql = 'set @cursor = cursor for ' + @vquery + ' open @cursor;'
    exec sys.sp_executesql
    ,N'@cursor cursor output'
    ,@objcursor output

    fetch next from @objcursor
    while (@@fetch_status = 0)
    SET @delquery = 'delete from Test_A where current of @objcursor';  -- 'Test_A' will be replaced by a variable from an outer cursor
    exec sys.sp_executesql @delquery
    ,N'@objcursor as cursor'

    <some code goes here to track the progress and commit transaction based on cursor count>
    fetch next from @objcursor;
    close @objcursor
    deallocate @objcursor