• I appear to be in a very strange mood at work today.
    The company also uses an external company for remote DBA tasks, so we stepping on each others toes a little.
    They raised an issues about log backups. I'm in the process of deploying Ola's scripts out. Set up the Log one but missed a couple of things. Set the schedule to infrequently for their liking, and forgot to set the cleanup time (that was silly of me)
    So another ticket was raised.

    I replied with 'a more pleasing frequency to the schedule has been set'.
    I should have said ascetically pleasing frequency... But oh well.

    A reply of excellent we shall close the ticket unless you have any other questions...
    Why was my first thought to reply with
    'What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?'

    I didn't obviously!
    As I said odd mood today.
