• kevin.obrien 66193 - Tuesday, February 21, 2017 1:23 PM

    drew.allen - Tuesday, February 21, 2017 11:38 AM

    A tag is associated with a child, and only indirectly with the parent.  If a tag were associated with a parent, then ALL children of that parent would have that tag.  This means that the ParentTaskID does not belong on the TagDetail record.


    Not necessarily. A tag could be associated with just a parent and not care about any child tasks.

    So for example, "Parent Task A" might be "Send Notification". This task has 2 child tasks -> "Email CustomerA" and "Email CustomerB". However, for some users of this tag they might not care about those child tasks and for them there is only one task i.e. "Send Notification". Any child tasks on that are optional.

    In that case, you shouldn't separate out your parent tasks from your child tasks.  You should have one table which references itself.  That way tags are applied to tasks and it doesn't care whether those tasks are parent tasks or child tasks.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA